We’re an after-school enrichment program that meets weekly at your child’s school or daycare. We serve kids ages 3.5 – 12, and we love to draw! Drawing has special significance for young learners. It is a visual, tactile medium that meets children in their learning needs. Young Rembrandts’... Read More

Low Risk - High Reward

Young Rembrandts is a business that partners with pre-schools, elementary schools and community centers to augment or supply art education. Our franchisees have a strong reputation for offering well-organized classes and teaching high-quality art curriculum in a fun and powerful environment.

The Young Rembrandts franchise model empowers our franchisees to be local leaders, recognized for providing award-winning service to children, promoting art, education and creativity. Their staff empowers children by teaching them core art and learning skills that are necessary to succeed in life. As their business grows, flourishes and excels so do they.

Research and education experts say what Young Rembrandts has always delivered: there is a significant correlation between involvement in the arts and achievement in the classroom. Children who learn to draw using the Young Rembrandts method develop spatial reasoning and fine motor skills, order and sequencing abilities, visualization, and self-discipline as well as fundamental art skills. Our original curriculum introduces concrete ideas and techniques that enlarge their visual vocabularies, enrich their imaginations and their minds.


A Letter from Founder & CEO, Bette Fetter

Young Rembrandts Franchise

Dear Friends,

I hope you'll join us on this journey to empower children through participation in the arts.

Young Rembrandts began many years ago as a gift to a dear friend. Her young, elementary-aged children wanted to learn how to draw, and while there was a bounty of sport offerings, there were few choices for art instruction. As I gathered eight young children around my kitchen table, we started an adventure that has grown in ways I never imagined.

In 2001, after 13 years of operating in the Chicagoland area, we became a franchise organization. Over the years we have been honored to work with thousands and thousands of pre-school and elementary students. We are continually blessed by hundreds of Young Rembrandts Instructors, committed to developing drawing and learning skills in young children. We are thankful for the Young Rembrandts' franchisees that have come alongside us to expand art instruction and bring a new truth to art education across the nation. Young Rembrandts has long been a labor of love and continues to beckon us to new people, places and classrooms.

After years of success in the classroom and research on the impact of arts on developing minds, I have written my first book, Being Visual, and I author a blog where I share insights on learning styles, what we can do to help visual children learn more effectively and the role the arts play in developing young minds. The arts are not just for the art kids. Science, technology, engineering and math students-our STEM subjects-also need the arts to fully develop.

I hope you'll join us on this journey to empower children through participation in the arts and on our mission to help children, parents and educators understand the power, passion and significance of art.

Bette Fetter
Founder and CEO
Young Rembrandts, Inc.

Why Young Rembrandts Franchise? A Colourful Business - A Powerful Impact

A Young Rembrandts franchise is a home-based business, but that doesn't mean people are coming INTO our homes. Young Rembrandts operate at host locations such as elementary schools and park districts within the community. Our owners lead a group of part-time instructors to teach children the fundamentals of drawing using a unique curriculum and step by step teaching method.

Every franchisee brings their own strengths to the business model, but overall franchisees love to network, build relationships and affect change. A background in art is not necessary!

This low-cost business brings enormous satisfaction to everyone involved. Week after week, thousands of children across the globe participate in classes, produce great artwork and grow emotionally and academically from our program. The smiles are contagious! 

A Passion for Teaching Art to Children

At Young Rembrandts, it's our mission to raise generations that value the power, the passion and the significance of art.

Vision and Values

Young Rembrandts has a passion for art and children. We bring excellence to every aspect of our daily interactions. Guided by personal integrity and respect for the individual child, we communicate with understanding, realizing our greatest calling is to cultivate the human spirit.


Young Rembrandts focuses on teaching children to draw, using demonstration and a structured step-by-step process. This method of directed drawing gives young students instruction on how to draw increasingly complex images at a crucial time in their development. Through the process of weekly instruction students are exposed to a wide variety of subject matter, artistic concepts, art history and mastery of their materials.

The development of foundational skills for pre-school and elementary students is critical. There is a common misunderstanding that creativity happens without instruction, that artistic creativity comes forth naturally from a child or adult. Young Rembrandts believes true creativity comes forth when mastery of core skills is combined with original thought. Young Rembrandts helps children develop the skill, tools and confidence to continue participating in the arts.

Young Rembrandts has a passion to dramatically increase the abilities and therefore the number of children that participate in the arts. Our students receive a foundational art literacy that invites them to continue an appreciation of the arts throughout their lifetime.

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